
Banknotes are some of the most harshly treated documents in existence. They are passed from person to person in their billions every day. They are folded, crumpled, stapled, and subjected to all kinds of abuse throughout their life; much more than any other type of document or paper.

Excess dirt on the notes is the principal reason for them to be withdrawn from circulation, especially where Issuing Authorities have implemented a “Clean Note Policy”. The notes are generally withdrawn from circulation before they are physically deteriorated, just dirty. To extend the life in circulation of banknotes Landqart has developed Platinum® a specialised treatment for cotton paper. The formulation provides the paper with a greater resistance to the impact of sweat, moisture, and sebum, the natural oil found on skin, which is the principal cause for banknotes “yellowing” with age. Independent laboratory testing shows that Plaitnum treatment can reduce soiling by up to 43% compared to untreated paper.

Because of the way we use and store banknotes, they become dirty, grimy, and loaded with bacteria and microbes. In warm, damp climates, they can develop fungi and mould, which can further deteriorate the banknotes and are a major cause of that unpleasant "used banknote" smell.

Drawing on Switzerland’s rich history of biomedical research and development, Platinum Plus provides banknotes with a highly effective barrier against the propagation of mould, bacteria and fungi. Independent laboratory testing has shown that banknotes treated with Platinum Plus will not allow bacteria, such as Bacillus cereus or Salmonella typhimurium (known causes of food poisoning), or disease causing fungus such as Aspergillus terreus and Pityrosporum ovale, to propagate. This greatly reduces the risk of banknotes becoming disease vectors, and will contribute to the notes in circulation remaining in better condition over time.




Swiss Quality

Staphylococcus aureus

© M. Oeggerli, supported by Pathology, University Hospital Basel and School of Life Sciences, FHNW.